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Coaching For Women

Women face unique challenges, from societal pressures to juggling being a mom and having a career to all of the hidden things that women have to deal with on a day to day level. With Kelly, coaching for women is designed to empower you to work through these (and loads of other BS) so you can feel aligned and authentic in how you're showing up in your life. 

Coaching for Women Can Help You Feel Better

In a world where women often juggle multiple roles and face unique pressures, coaching with Kelly offers a supportive pathway to not just surviving, but thriving. Tailored specifically to the challenges and goals that women have, coaching provides the tools and insights needed to navigate life's complexities with confidence. Whether it's addressing low self-esteem, cultivating healthy relationships, or achieving personal and professional goals, coaching for women is a transformative process that fosters self-discovery, empowerment, and a deeper sense of well-being. Kelly gets it and is here to help you in your journey to step into all that you were created to be.

Women's Issues That Kelly Works With

Kelly specializes in addressing a wide range of issues that uniquely affect women, offering a compassionate and empowering approach to coaching. Her expertise includes:

Building Self-Esteem and Confidence: Empowering women to recognize their worth and embrace their strengths.

Navigating Career and Life Transitions: Guiding women through changes in their personal and professional lives with confidence and clarity.

Improving Relationships: Helping women cultivate healthy and fulfilling relationships, both personally and professionally.

Mother and Baby

Managing Stress and Anxiety: Providing strategies to cope with the pressures of daily life and reduce feelings of overwhelm.

Work-Life Balance: Assisting women in finding a harmonious balance between their career ambitions and personal life.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Addressing feelings of inadequacy and helping women own their successes and capabilities.

Personal Growth and Development: Supporting women in their journey of self-discovery and personal achievement.

Dealing with Societal Pressures: Navigating the expectations placed on women by society and fostering a sense of individuality and empowerment.

Kelly's coaching is designed to address these issues and more, offering a supportive space for women to grow, overcome challenges, and achieve their fullest potential.

Understanding the Difference: Coaching vs. Therapy

Coaching and therapy are both valuable practices that support individuals in achieving better mental health and personal growth, but they differ in focus, approach, and objectives.


Focus: Coaching is action-oriented and focuses on the present and future. It aims to help individuals achieve specific goals, improve performance, and enhance their quality of life.

Approach: Coaches work with clients to identify goals, develop strategies, and create action plans. The process is collaborative, with the coach offering guidance, accountability, and support to help the client move forward.

Objectives: The primary objective of coaching is personal and professional development. It's about unlocking a person's potential to maximize their performance and achieve their desired outcomes.

Qualifications: Coaches are not required to have a mental health background, though many have certifications from recognized coaching organizations.

Therapy (Psychotherapy)

Focus: Therapy focuses on mental health and emotional well-being. It aims to heal psychological pain, resolve past traumas, and address mental health conditions.

Approach: Therapists use clinically tested procedures and techniques to help clients explore their feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Therapy involves diagnosing and treating mental health conditions, providing a space for clients to understand and work through their issues.

Objectives: The primary objective of therapy is to help individuals overcome psychological issues, improve their mental health, and achieve emotional healing.

Qualifications: Therapists are licensed professionals with specific academic degrees and clinical training in mental health fields, such as psychology, psychiatry, social work, or counseling.

Coaching is goal-oriented and focuses on personal and professional development, while therapy is healing-oriented, focusing on mental health and emotional well-being. The choice between the two depends on an individual's current needs and objectives.


You Bring A Unique Light To This World -
We Need More Of It

Schedule a free discovery call today!


How To Get Started


Request a Consult with Kelly

We will chat and talk about your goals and what kind of support you're looking for. This is an opportunity to ask those questions and catch a vibe for how we might work together.  

Start your journey


Once you feel aligned and ready to get going, we will start unpacking your story and diving into the things that make you, YOU. This is when it starts to get good.


Own your Power and Amplify your Voice

This is the best part - to begin to experience the change that will inevitably start to happen in yourself, your relationships, and goals. In working together, you'll be equipped with tools and strategies necessary to become the woman you were meant to be all along.

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